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Kumri Majhi's family is one of many families who have been displaced and relocated in small houses in the Niyamgiri Vedantanagar around the Vedanta Alumina processing plant. Residents complain that they have received little compensation for their land. Jobs were promised in the processing plant, but no jobs have been given. The rehabilitation colony is spread across 136 acres of land. The displaced families also complain that the houses are too small, and bear no resemblance to the ones they are used to from their village. The huge bauxite deposits in the Niyamgiri hills have led the Vedanta group to set up an alumina refinery at Lanjigarh, making the local population of Dongria Kondh tribespeople fearful for their future. Vedanta Resources has come under immense pressure from human rights and environmental groups to abandon its plans to mine at the Niyamgiri mountains, as the site is considered sacred by the local tribal community..