Richard Byrne, a union official with the Communications Workers of America, having lunch at a pizza restaurant in West Palm Beach, Florida. Talking about the upcoming presidential election he says: 'Presidents have limited power and a small effect on the economy. It is what it is, it's gonna ebb and flow. Every newcomer to the White House has big ideas but when they get elected and get to the big house they are told, guess what, if you want to get 10% of what you want done you have to compromise and play the game. And the majority of the 1st term is spent trying to get re elected. In the 2nd term they may get a chance to do something. Since I was a kid they try to bring peace to the Middle East, but it's just a game and everyone is playing it- in the U.S., in Israel and with some new Palestinian leader. Israel wants to keep the borders they already have and Palestinians want their own state. In my opinion religion causes the vast majority of conflicts. It causes more problems than it cures. All these conflicts between religions over thousands of years. How about a 1000 years without religion. Everyone interprets religion for their own benefit. But you really need only one religious rule?do unto others as you would have them do onto you.'