
Night time in marabout Cheikh Amadou Bamba's Daara (religious school). The children crowd together to sleep under a piece of fabric. It is January and it is cold in Saint Louis. There are about 50 Talibe in this Daara, most of them come from the same village, Dhara Yolof in the region of Louga.
Talibe often have issues that stem from being separated from their parents at a young age and the abuse they endure at the Daaras where they are expected to beg to raise money for the Daara's marabout and to get food to fed themselves.
Talibe often have issues that stem from being separated from their parents at a young age and the abuse they endure at the Daaras where they are expected to beg to raise money for the Daara's marabout and to get food to fed themselves.
Alfredo Caliz/Panos Pictures /Felix Features 2 Feb 2017
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