
Lila, a widow with 3 daughters, tells the story of how she lost her eye: ‘During the war we lived in District 16 . My husband was alive then but didn't have any work. I washed clothes to earn some money for us. One night I put out some bread for our meal. My husband said don't put out so much, I said his brother will tell me off if I put less. My husband started to punch me, as though he was boxing. Then his brother started too, using his fists and his feet. His brother's foot hit my eye. I screamed in pain but they ignored me. I put my scarf up to my eye because it was bleeding and went to bed. The next day it still hurt and I called my neighbours. They took me to the hospital at Darulaman but it was too late to save my sight in that eye. Afterwards my husband died from an illness. Now I wash clothes and work on the land to support me and my daughters'.
Jenny Matthews / Panos Pictures /Felix Features 11 Aug 2009