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A scientist netting Osmia Lignaria or blue orchard bee, a species of solitary bee, along a strip of plants that were grown alongside an almond orchard. They want to find out if these strips of flowers can provide a home for solitary bees which can also pollinate the almond blossoms and thus provide a bigger almond harvest. Because it is difficult to find enough honey bee colonies to meet the demand for almond pollination scientists are experimenting with pollination by the solitary bee Osmia Lignaria or blue orchard bee. Research has shown that pollination by honey bees together with solitary bees provides a better pollination and an increased almond harvest. In the future they would like to introduce nine million solitary bees into the orchards. The blue orchard bees are captured in the state of Utah where the climate is more suitable for them because they need 150 days of winter. The bees are kept in large fridges where they are kept at a temperature of 2°C and are slowly warmed up the following year in February in time for the almond blossoms.  Beekeeping in the USA is done on an industrial way with bees being transported for thousands of miles all year round. After a winter in warm Texas, beekeepers take their bees to California in February and March. Here they stay for at least six weeks. From the almond orchards they take them to the orange orchards in the same state. Next are the apples and cherry pollinations in Washington State, followed by the blueberry honey harvest in Maine and the cranberry harvest in Massachusetts. By then winter has returned and the beekeepers travel back south where the bees can make an early start the following year.