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42 year old Tadayuki Sakai relaxes in his private booth after work. Tadayuki used to work for a credit card company as a regular worker, known as a salaryman, for 20 years. He moved to an internet cafe shortly after quitting his salaryman position. He currently works as a telephone operator and temps at a friend's computer systems company. He wants to move to a foreign country: 'I don't need to hold on to Japan, all I can count is myself.' The number of temporary low-paid workers without benefits and job security has surged in the last decade, amounting to a third of Japan's workforce. An income gap between lifetime workers and their poorer 'temp' colleagues has widened significantly as they earn up to 40% less than those on full time contracts. Some temp workers hop from one job to another and sleep at 24-hour computer cafes because they have no money to pay rent between jobs..