
A wall mural 'The diginity of labour', depicting Christ talking to workers, in a stairwell of the WTO headquarters. The wall mural, was a gift by a Christian union to the ILO which previously occupied the building.
The World Trade Organisation has 164 members, and in theory, negotiates and regulates global trade. It is, however, in crisis: New multi-lateral trade negotiations have been stalled for years, while it's principle dispute settlement body, the 'crown jewels' of the WTO and the global trading system, is almost completely blocked.
The World Trade Organisation has 164 members, and in theory, negotiates and regulates global trade. It is, however, in crisis: New multi-lateral trade negotiations have been stalled for years, while it's principle dispute settlement body, the 'crown jewels' of the WTO and the global trading system, is almost completely blocked.
Mark Henley/Panos Pictures /Felix Features /Felix Features 4 Sep 2019
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