
Papa Moses using his bare hands to pull the entrails out of a duiker carcass in Atwemonom, the main bushmeat market in Kumasi. Moses, who is paid by the carcass, works in the burning area, where carcasses are singed over an open flame and the fur scraped off with a machete before they are butchered and sold. It is hot and dirty work, and leaves an acrid odour and a layer of greasy soot on everyone and everything. Although a hunting ban is in effect from August 1 to December 1, and only grasscutters (greater cane rats) are allowed to be hunted and sold at this time, the ban is openly flouted, with bushmeat of all kinds being butchered and traded in full view of the responsible Forestry Commission inspector.
Nyani Quarmyne/Panos Pictures /Felix Features 6 Sep 2016