
A man performs a ceremony that involves the sacrifice of a cockerel before a cistern is cut into a Za Baobab (Adansonia za), one of the six species of baobab native to Madagascar.
In this very dry region where it rains only a few times, if at all, each year, the local population cut out holes in Za Baobab trees to make cisterns which are filled with rain water for use during the June to December dry season. A cistern can hold up to 6,000 litres of water and each tank belongs to a single family.
In this very dry region where it rains only a few times, if at all, each year, the local population cut out holes in Za Baobab trees to make cisterns which are filled with rain water for use during the June to December dry season. A cistern can hold up to 6,000 litres of water and each tank belongs to a single family.
Pascal Maitre/Panos Pictures 11 Jun 2019
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